Friday, May 30, 2014

To my supporters, fans and friends...

I am so thankful to those who have supported me and my music ministry from the beginning and throughout my career so far. It means the world to know that friends have my back, and believe in what I'm doing. Thank you all for being there for me and being a part of what God is doing through this music. It would not be possible by myself. This is a team effort of supporting and encouraging each other on the journey to becoming who we were made to be. As a musician, it means so much when you support in simple ways. Many people ask how they can help. Here are a few things that my supporters have done that make such a difference.

Attend a Performance (Bring a friend, bonus points!)
Buy a CD (or buy one of everything off the merch table = super fan! <3)
Book me for an event / Recommend me to a friend.
Share a post on Facebook of your favorite music video or LYRICS! from your fave song.
Talk to me in person about your story and which song touched you.

Prayers are essential, and it almost goes without saying that prayer drives the whole ministry. Please put me on your list and pray for me to have guidance for the places God would have me go. I want to glorify Him above everything else, and have peace about His calling on my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued support of my music. To those who have paid it forward, and poured into my life, you will never know how grateful I am for you. God bless you!


P.S. Fun fact! This random video I posted of my first song on ukulele has gained over 25,000 views with little to no promotion. Check out my version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". Enjoy! Love ya'll!

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