Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What I Love (And Don't Love) About Fall

God has brought me through ups and downs and blessed me much more than I deserve.
It's amazing how...

He knows every detail of every sunset, every sunrise, and every season.
& He knows my every action, every word, and every thought.

There are things that I love about every season, but I think fall is my absolute favorite!
There is beauty in change.
Here are some of my favorite things about the fall!


Leaves changing colors and trees bursting into blended hues of orange, yellow, red, and brown. A scenic drive, especially during a sunset, takes my breath away.

I absolutely love LAYERING. I wish I could rock this look all year long. I feel like there is a bohemian style inside me, trying to express itself. I probably have more fashion mistakes than successes, but this is the goal of my fashion efforts. Love the peasant style shirts, neutral colors, scarf, and boots.

My favorite accessory by far. Scarves give extra warmth and provide a nice accent for layered outfits. I'm learning new ways to wear them, and trying to keep myself from adding too many to the collection.
Fall is the perfect time for a hot latte, my favorite being a caramel mocha with whipped cream. I will drink hot espresso drinks in the middle of summer, and I love them all year long. Fall just seems like an appropriate time to always have one in hand. Any excuse will do! ;)

Now, the one thing that I dread about fall are those eight-legged critters...
I hate spiders. I apologize if you cringed or suddenly are paranoid of things crawling on you. For about a week straight, I found a spider a day crawling on my jeans, across my foot, or touching my hand. Today, I faced one and cornered him with a shoe. Spiders are the thing I could probably do without.

Other than that, I say bring on the fall! I'm so ready!
What are your favorite things about this season?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Why I Love Chick-fil-A...

This was my lunch today, at one of my favorite restaurants. I love the food at Chick-fil-A, and have always had a great experience at their restaurants. Today I ordered a #1 combo, with the Original Chicken Sandwich & Waffle Fries. I used a coupon from the Clarksville City Saver to get a free Hand-spun Peach Milkshake, which is their limited time flavor right now. Of course, I requested their special Chick-fil-A sauce, which I use on my sandwich and with my fries. So yummy! This meal definitely hit the spot.

There are many reasons why I love Chick-fil-A. Over the years, I have had friends who worked at our local Chick-fil-A, and remember them saying it was a great work environment. As a customer, I have always been treated respectfully, and seen employees and managers go above and beyond to create the best atmosphere possible. The quality of the service and the food is always impressive and consistent. I appreciate that they smile, and respond to my "thank you" by saying, "my pleasure". Good attitudes are a huge part of customer service, and they are definitely at the top of my list for fast food.

Another thing I appreciate about Chick-fil-A is the family friendly and kid friendly environment that they consistently present. Kids love eating chicken nuggets and playing in the playground area. It's a safe place to bring the whole family, and there's something for everyone. I have seen people from all different backgrounds in the restaurant, and they are treated with the same respect and speed of service. Businessmen and college students using the store's free Wi-Fi, young families with kids in baseball uniforms, local police officers, ands groups of high school friends sharing a meal after a small group bible study. 

For the past two years, I have been hosting a live music night at our local Chick-fil-A of Madison Street in Clarksville, TN. In 2012, Music Night is held every second Monday of the month, from 6-8pm. I play guitar and sing original songs as dinner music for my fans and patrons in the restaurant. Chick-fil-A offers a sweet deal for anyone with a college ID, to receive a FREE Chicken Sandwich when they purchase Medium Waffle Fries & a Medium Drink, every Monday night from 5-10pm. Everyone is welcome, and we always have a great time! As an independent musician, I am grateful for the support they have for local music, and their willingness to invest in our community. 

There has been some controversy lately spreading through social media, about what the founders of Chick-fil-A believe. Each store is independently owned and operated, and everyone has their own personal views. Even if people don't agree with the founder's stand for what constitutes a Biblical marriage and family, I don't think boycotting or protesting (and thereby depriving yourself of their amazing food) is going to help anybody. I see the founder's statement as consistent with how they have successfully and honestly built their business. I was not surprised to hear that they still stand for what they have always stood for, even when it's not popular or politically correct. I admire anyone who stands up for what is right, and for what they believe.

In closing, I hope that you will research for yourself what the other businesses you buy from stand for. You might be surprised to find out what your hard earned money is supporting when you buy from other companies. It's important to be informed, and to make decisions that will leave a positive impact on our world. Eat Mor Chikin. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Drum roll, please...

There's a big opportunity that I have been so excited to announce, and can finally tell you!

I'm going to host my own radio show! :D

After working out the details, I am proud to announce that the show will start airing in July! We will broadcast every Tuesday & Friday, from 11am-noon. It will be called, uniquely, The Lydia Walker Show! The station is 105.1 FM WVRY, and has a huge 50,000 watt signal across Middle TN & KY.

We met with some friends who own the station, and were talking with them about getting airplay for my songs.  They mentioned needing someone to host a morning show during the week. I jumped right in, and said, "Hey, I could do that." :)

I am so excited about this new endeavor, and can't wait to see how it all comes together. I plan to interview other Christian musicians, discuss various topics, and play inspirational and uplifting music. Watch for new updates on who I will be interviewing on the show! If you have any suggestions, please let me know. :)

My next step in the preparation process is to find sponsors for my show. If you, or someone you know, own a business that would be interested in radio advertising in the Middle TN  & Southern KY area, please let me know! I believe that the spots will fill up fast. Pray with me that the right people will hear about it and be able to sponsor the show.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My God Shall Supply All My Needs

I just want to brag on God, and how He provides for His children. The Word tells us...

"And my God will supply every need of yours according to the riches in glory in Jesus Christ." - Philippians 4:19

Let me tell you, God provides for me in more ways than I realize. But sometimes He likes to show off. He moved some sweet friends to give me a brand new sound system. I hadn't even asked, but He laid it on their hearts to bless me with this wonderful gift. I have used my sound system for several years, at hundreds of shows, and it has a lot of wear. We have patched it and fixed it several times, but it was falling apart. So thankful for this provision, at the perfect timing!

The Lord is bringing new opportunities and opening doors. Pray for me to have guidance and to move in the right direction. I want to make good decisions and use my music for God's glory.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and encouraged me. Your prayers mean the world!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Something Amazing I Guess...

My favorite part from The Incredibles movie, is when Bob says, "What are you waiting for?"

The little boy on the tricycle answers, "I don't know. Something amazing, I guess."

Then later on in the movie he gets wide eyed in amazement, and yells, "That was totally wicked!"

Sometimes I feel like that kid.

When I take a step back from a situation, and stop trying to make things happen the way I want. I choose to trust God and watch what He does. It makes me feel like a little kid, still using my training wheels, and watching God do super natural things all around me.

God likes when we get excited about Him, and when we give Him credit for the incredible things that He does. I think He enjoys our wide eyed amazement when something extraordinary happens. When things are out of my control, I can see Him orchestrating a better plan than I would ever have thought up.

I feel like standing up on my pedals, leaning forward above my handle bars, and saying, "God, that was totally awesome!"

Friday, April 6, 2012


"God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: 
it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." - C.S. Lewis

There has been a battle raging within my Self, causing me to be stressed, frustrated, depressed, and discouraged. I have been torn between what I thought I wanted, and what I was made for. I've been running. Maybe it's not as noticeable on the outside, but those close to me have noticed my struggle. I knew that I was not at the place with God that I wanted to be, and that I should be. I felt stuck and not sure how to express the pressure I was feeling.

For eight years, I have been writing songs and performing at various venues. Also during that time, I have been leading worship at my church and other churches. Sometimes they seemed to be two separate things, like I was bouncing back and forth. I haven't felt the freedom to fully be either one. In the past few months, I've questioned my motives, wrestled with unrealistic expectations, and wondered what I'm really here for.

A few months ago, I decided to get a "real" job, and re-evaluate. I was in the work force for exactly a month, and then went back to playing music full time. The day before I lost my job, my car was rear-ended and almost totaled. It was almost surreal, having things happen to me back-to-back as if I was just watching, realizing that I'm not in control. I know that God orchestrates everything for His glory, and I am seeing more of the big picture as I look back on the situation. He put me in the job for a reason, and brought me out of it for a reason. He allowed me to be in that wreck, and showed me how much He takes care of me and provides for me. My hope was not in my job, or my car. Those are things that can come and go at any time. God allowed me to see how vulnerable I am, and how much I need Him.

A great piece of advice was given to me recently: Find what brings you the most joy and gives you peace, that thing that makes you feel alive. Embrace it, and you will find fulfillment. That peace that we all long for is found in God. If we embrace His will for our lives, and walk in His ways, there is an unspeakable peace and joy that fills our hearts. EVERY time I try to make something happen, my plans fail miserably. But with God on my side, all things are possible.

Life is a journey. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds my future. He has revealed pieces of the mystery of Himself, and given me the chance to take His hand to watch what He does. Wherever He leads, I'll go. He is teaching me not to rely on things and circumstances to make me happy. Material things and worldly accolades will only leave me empty. I choose to be content with where I am and who I am. To enjoy the present, I must realize that it is a gift. The biggest relief is that it's not about me. The story's ending is already written, and it ends with victory. 

This song gives me reason to sing:

Oh Lord my God
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds
Thy hands have made
I see the stars
I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power throughout
The universe displayed

And When I think that God, 
His son not sparing, 
Sent Him to die,
I scarce can take it in;
That on the cross, my burden
gladly bearing He bled and died 
to take away my sin
When Christ shall come
With shout of acclamation
And take me home
What joy shall fill my heart
Then I shall bow
With humble adoration
And then proclaim My God
How great Thou art

Then sings my soul
My Savior, God, to Thee
How great thou art
How great thou art
Then sings my soul
My Savior, God, to Thee
How great Thou art
How great Thou art 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Picking Up My Dream Guitar!

Today I picked up my dream guitar at Mary's Music in Clarksville, TN! I've always wanted a Taylor 314ce, complete with the Taylor Expression System. The most exciting and amazing part is that I have YOU to thank! On my birthday this year, I set up a "Guitar Fund" for my friends and fans to donate towards my new guitar. And they did! This would not be possible without you! Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting my music.

I made a video of picking up the guitar, to show you how excited I was and so you could see how your donations were used. I will be taking good care of the guitar and playing it at my shows. Watch the video here:

If you'd like to support my music, you can download a copy of my new "Beloved" album wherever you download music!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Battle of Tonsil Stones

This week has been one disappointment or struggle after another. Through it, God has given me peace that He is doing a new thing. He is still good, and His timing and purpose is always for His glory.

One thing I'm physically struggling with is tonsil stones. I have had that issue before, and it went away while I was on antibiotics for my skin. I've been have off that medicine for a few months now, and the tonsil stones have flared up again. I've been using mouthwash and taking multivitamins regularly, but I have not been exercising and have had a bad diet. I looked up the causes for tonsil stones, and almost every thing on the list applied to me! Lack of exercise, stress, and diet including a lot of fatty foods, refined foods, dairy products, fried food, and sugar. Almost everything I was doing was tearing down my immune system and overworking my tonsils.

So, I have resolved to make a point of exercising every day, and to eat fresh foods. This morning I had half an apple for breakfast, and drank a bottle of water while walking on the treadmill. I walked 3 miles in 50 minutes, burning 400 calories. That's a good start since I have not been exercising regularly. I ate a peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat bread and drank orange juice for lunch. I may have a salad later this afternoon.

I'm all for home remedies, and taking care of my body, so as not to rely on medicine. Especially if it's a mild case of something that can be avoided easily. When I was taking medicine, I asked what else I could do. They just told me, "Eat whatever you want, and keep taking the meds." Well, it got expensive and my skin was still breaking out, so I decided to focus on taking vitamins and taking care of my body.

So here's to eating healthier and producing more lymph fluid!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bucket List - 5 Things

1. Marry My Best Friend, The Love Of My Life (Came true 6/13/15!)

2. Ride In A Hot Air Balloon

3. Own A Taylor Guitar (Came True March 2012!)

4. Experience A Switchfoot And/Or A Jon Foreman Concert
(Came true February 8, 2013, Jon w/ Fiction Family in Nashville, TN)

5. Change The World For The Better

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Barista By Day, Rockstar By Night

My End Booth Office (borrowed from Mat)
I love playing music. I really enjoy seeing people respond when they hear my songs. Since graduating in 2010, I have been playing music full time. I would often have 4 or 5 shows a week. In 2011 I played 176 shows.

I released my first radio ready album, "Beloved" in November 2011. That was a huge project that we put a lot of time and effort into.  After that project was finished, I wasn't sure what was next for me.

I decided to get a day job, that would leave my nights and weekends free to continue playing music. I applied to Lasaters Coffee in Sango, and in a few days, got a call from them. They hired me on the spot after the interview, and I've been working here four weeks now.

Early mornings have made me determined to go to sleep earlier. I've been accustomed to staying up late playing shows and sleeping in. But I haven't missed an alarm or been late to work. It's been a nice change and I really enjoy it.

I've already clocked out for the day, and I'm catching up on some music promotion in the back booth. Someone called this my Clark Kent job, being a barista by day and rockstar by night. I've had a "phone booth transformation" from the professional black uniform to my jeans and plaid. As you can see in the picture, I'm enjoying a turkey and swiss panini for lunch. My Bible's open to Ephesians 5, the passage we will be studying in the Gathering service tonight, where I will be leading worship. I'm praying that God will prepare my heart to lead by reflecting His heart.

This is a glimpse into a part of my life that you might not see or know about otherwise. I want to be transparent and share what my life is like. I appreciate all the support from my family, friends, and fans who care about me and follow my updates. Your encouragement means so much to me. You remind me that all the hard work is worth it. God bless you!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


How ironic that my first blog post is about silence. After all, I'm a singer by profession, and my work consists highly of sound. If I'm not on stage singing, I'm usually talking to someone or humming as I go about my day. To think that the 176 shows I played in 2011, many times singing for several hours, was only part of the strain I put on my voice. My vocal chords are probably the most exercised muscle in my body. I suppose that makes me an athlete of sorts. But to whom much [strain] is given, much [rest] is required. That's where my story of silence comes in.

Last Thursday (1/19/12), I woke up at 4AM with a swollen sore throat, making it painful to swallow. In a half conscious daze, I stumbled to the kitchen to find a remedy for the ache. A bottle of water and some ibuprofen helped relieve the pain enough to go back to sleep. When I woke later in the morning, the pain was still there. So I decided it was probably a good idea to go on vocal rest.

Funny, I didn't realize how much I talked until I was trying not to. Even though I told my family I was trying to rest my voice, they asked me questions that required more than a nod or shake of my head. I've heard using a notepad is helpful, but I didn't use one. I just tried to answer their questions without speaking loudly. I was motivated to rest my voice, but constantly being around people made it difficult to be quiet. I found the most restful time for me that day was attaching 500 stickers to my Valentine Concert invitations, in a room by myself.

In an attempt to soothe my sore throat, I drank warm apple cider with pineapple juice, and lots of water. I also sprinkled some salt in the back of my throat, letting it dissolve, then gargling. That helped bring down the swelling and temporarily eliminated some of the pain. So during the day Thursday, I tried to treat it with those home remedies.

Friday came around and I woke up with the same symptom. No cough or sinus problems, just a sore throat. So I made an appointment with my Doctor to check it out. Thankfully it wasn't strep, and he said that antibiotics wouldn't help me in this situation. So he advised me to rest my voice, suck on some Sucrets to numb the pain in my throat, and to drink lots of warm liquids. His definition of warm liquids was "hot chocolate". I told him that would not be a problem. ;) Throughout the next few days, I enjoyed hot chocolate to my tummy's content, under the guilt-less "doctor's orders".

Discovering Sucrets made me really excited, and I wondered why I hadn't heard about them before. After using the first one, I said, "Oral anesthetics are awesome! I don't feel anything!" <--- Again, talking while on vocal rest! Tsk tsk. I felt like Jar Jar Binks when his tongue was numb.

Friday night I was supposed to be the opening act for my friends, ExitRight. I had agreed to play three songs, but hadn't sung for two days. I wasn't sure if my voice would work right, but I rested it, then slowly warmed up with humming and lip rolls that I learned from a Brett Manning workshop. The three songs went well and the night was a success. The audience was gracious, and encouraged me to get my rest and not to over do it. So I took it easy for a few more days, and I'm starting to feel better.

I'm realizing that silence is a precious commodity that we should embrace and enjoy. I think our culture is so used to being surrounded by constant noise, that we are almost afraid of silence. Maybe you're like me and hardly ever take a break from the hustle and bustle. But what I've found in the moments of quiet, is that I can collect my thoughts, rest my mind, and open my heart to hear the still small voice that wants to speak healing over me. I believe God calms our storms so He can speak to us in the Silence.