Monday, March 26, 2012

Picking Up My Dream Guitar!

Today I picked up my dream guitar at Mary's Music in Clarksville, TN! I've always wanted a Taylor 314ce, complete with the Taylor Expression System. The most exciting and amazing part is that I have YOU to thank! On my birthday this year, I set up a "Guitar Fund" for my friends and fans to donate towards my new guitar. And they did! This would not be possible without you! Thank you so much for believing in me and supporting my music.

I made a video of picking up the guitar, to show you how excited I was and so you could see how your donations were used. I will be taking good care of the guitar and playing it at my shows. Watch the video here:

If you'd like to support my music, you can download a copy of my new "Beloved" album wherever you download music!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Battle of Tonsil Stones

This week has been one disappointment or struggle after another. Through it, God has given me peace that He is doing a new thing. He is still good, and His timing and purpose is always for His glory.

One thing I'm physically struggling with is tonsil stones. I have had that issue before, and it went away while I was on antibiotics for my skin. I've been have off that medicine for a few months now, and the tonsil stones have flared up again. I've been using mouthwash and taking multivitamins regularly, but I have not been exercising and have had a bad diet. I looked up the causes for tonsil stones, and almost every thing on the list applied to me! Lack of exercise, stress, and diet including a lot of fatty foods, refined foods, dairy products, fried food, and sugar. Almost everything I was doing was tearing down my immune system and overworking my tonsils.

So, I have resolved to make a point of exercising every day, and to eat fresh foods. This morning I had half an apple for breakfast, and drank a bottle of water while walking on the treadmill. I walked 3 miles in 50 minutes, burning 400 calories. That's a good start since I have not been exercising regularly. I ate a peanut butter and banana sandwich on wheat bread and drank orange juice for lunch. I may have a salad later this afternoon.

I'm all for home remedies, and taking care of my body, so as not to rely on medicine. Especially if it's a mild case of something that can be avoided easily. When I was taking medicine, I asked what else I could do. They just told me, "Eat whatever you want, and keep taking the meds." Well, it got expensive and my skin was still breaking out, so I decided to focus on taking vitamins and taking care of my body.

So here's to eating healthier and producing more lymph fluid!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bucket List - 5 Things

1. Marry My Best Friend, The Love Of My Life (Came true 6/13/15!)

2. Ride In A Hot Air Balloon

3. Own A Taylor Guitar (Came True March 2012!)

4. Experience A Switchfoot And/Or A Jon Foreman Concert
(Came true February 8, 2013, Jon w/ Fiction Family in Nashville, TN)

5. Change The World For The Better